• according to Walesa, the opposition leaders will be selected depending on,
• Meeting tried to disrupt at the beginning of a group of young men
• they heard the cry of “Down with komuną”
• Audience chanted in defense of the former President
the Former President took in Bialystok part in the discussion “let’s Talk about Poland” organized by the Committee for the defence of Democracy and “Electoral Newspaper”. As he spoke, it was the ninth meeting in this series. They like to talk about what to do to peacefully “to improve, to put in order”, “to build a new reality in Poland, without the disadvantages of the old system.”
” I’ll take that way. I think that the CODE does not ask for itself, as we shall find strength as we will have a lot of support, they then have asked, that it came to meetings where we coordinate, how we behave, ” said Walesa. When asked about the leader of the opposition said, “the leaders we do have,” and added that they are selected depending on necessity.
when Asked about previous effects of the debate, Walesa said that “in a minute will try to say what he would do, hoping that they’ll do it.” He said he is ready to operate, but he’s not going to run.
the meeting was told that at the end of the debate is the proposed CODE rebellion “of the Commission Porozumiewawczej”. – All the people who don’t like all parties, we have to meet here and tell you how after the “Manneken Pis” -i.e. to clear. We need one term to share tasks and areas, ” said Walesa.
the Meeting tried to disrupt at the beginning of a group of young people who in the first minutes of the speech Walesa showed in the masks of (a person Bolek tales of Bolek and lelek), they have a folder labeled “work.” He heard the battle cry “Down with komuną”. The audience chanted in the protection of ex-President Lech Walesa, and at preventing the meeting: “Withdraw”. Several young men from the audience brought the police. The organizers of the meeting said that they were activists of Youth Wszechpolskiej.
– I am opposed to fighting, but the people (the meeting – approx. ed.) behaved courageously. Will not interfere with, g…e, we are in serious conversations.
Youth Wszechpolska (MW) announced in Bialystok that its activists intend to submit the draft decision of city Council ws. deprivation of Lech Walesa an honorary citizen of the City. Announced the collection of signatures in their support in this matter. They need at least a thousand.
According to the President of Podlaska MW Martin Zabłudowskiego, Lech Walesa: “we must not stand” as an honorary citizen of Katowice, next to such figures as John Paul II and Joseph Pilsudski; in the context of said Zabłudowski – “actions of former President Lech Walesa, in the context of what was brought by the wife of General Kiszczaka IPN”, and now “the leading figure of the CODE and wants to restore democracy” and MW “democracy in Poland is in no way in danger.” Zabłudowski they also said that the honorary citizen is a pattern, placed the young generation, and Lech Walesa should not be.”
Walesa, when asked at a briefing a press-review action MW said: – Let him try. Let them try. Again, get on the nose the way they want. Please.
the President of białystok Tadeusz Truskolaski told Polish Radio Bialystok that the idea of Youth Wszechpolskiej ws. deprivation Lech Walesa honorary citizenship of Katowice, is an “absolute scandal”. Lech Walesa fought for Polish freedom, is actually a symbol. There are only two symbol of tradition in the world. This Saint John Paul II and Lech Walesa,” Truskolaski said.
the President of białystok added that the initiative was announced “young people who do not remember the days of the commune”, so have “no moral right to assess the” Lech Walesa. – Not good for me … my this one hundred percent, and I appeal to the inhabitants of Bialystok to just ignore such appeals, added Truskolaski.

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