Friday, July 22, 2016

Facebook: From the Messenger monthly benefits already one billion people – Interia

giant social reported that the messenger Messenger – an integral part of, regularly use worldwide a billion people. Every day users send hundreds of millions of stickers, the application has been running the 18 thousand. bot.


                              From IM Messenger regularly use worldwide a billion people


In an official statement, representatives of the portal provide a lot of information on the use of the application. Messenger users around the world send to their friends more than 17 billion photos per month. Every day is sent 22 million GIFs.

“We are grateful to our users for the fact that every day to communicate with your friends and brands with Messenger.

Billion people using the application makes it one of the few such popular programs in the world “- said in a statement. Messenger is the second most popular application for iOS, second only to the client Facebook. The application has been installed over a billion times on Android devices. “On this occasion, have provided users with new emoji gift of balloons floating through. We invite you to share a new animation with friends” – add the authors of the statement.

Users send 380 million facebookowych stickers each day. The Mother’s Day sent a total of 300 million stickers depicting flower bouquets. More than one billion messages are sent every month between people and companies – more than two times more compared to last year.

Since the opening Messenger platform, has been running for more than 18 thousand. bots, and 23 thousand. developers have signed up to Bot Engine. 10 percent. All voice calls over the internet (VoIP) in the world is done through the application. Members played in the game integrated with the application (in the trash) 1.2 billion times.

Messenger terms of popularity persisted far only application WhatsApp, which also belongs to Facebook. Business Insider reports that messaging in terms of the number of monthly users as early as 2015. Surpassed social networking sites.


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