-> ,validPeriod= MS Soyuz took off Thursday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan (Shamil ZHUMATOV / REUTERS / REUTERS) 1 -> MS Soyuz took off Thursday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, and before arriving at the ISS circled the Earth more than 30 times. Foreign Ministry Soyuz rocket is a new generation, equipped with, among others, with improved engines, which provide greater security for docking. Exp 48-49 crew with #AstroKate completes 2-day trip to station beginning four-month stay in space for @ ISS_Research.https: //t.co/kUHYfWnFwI - Intl. Space Station (@Space_Station) July 9, 2016 Subscribe to digital Electoral available through the internet, phone, tablet and e-book reader, from 19.90 per month To assess Login or zarejestrujX
Why so much look for?
Excuse me, this is not ROCKET Soyuz reached the space station, but the spacecraft Soyuz MS! And the rocket - Soyuz FG (who shot him) fell in pieces on the Earth! After more than half a century of the space age fitting already distinguish the spacecraft from the launch vehicle!