Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Nerdica: What was before Pokemon Go? The extraordinary history of gaming in augmented reality – Gadzeto Mania

The world has gone mad. Old and young catch on power. Some are surprising, considering others, and still others nervous. But before “Pokemon Go” won the hearts of the players and showed what can be augmented reality, there are plenty of unusual production.

  1. What to do with the AR is a land of Oz?
  2. What groundbreaking game preceded the formation of the “Pokemon GO”?
  3. is the Polish “Xyber Mech” differed from “BotFighters”?
  4. What is geocaching?

Augmented reality (English augmented reality – in short AR) is a concept combining the real world with computer-generated. In contrast to the virtual reality (virtual reality – VR) it does not create a new reality, but only complements the existing nonexistent elements: images, sounds, information.

Today AR uses the camera image, which applied is generated in real-time graphics. However, in the past, we had to deal with productions that use only the sound or based on text messages.

These uncomfortable glasses

the idea of ​​the connection of virtual reality with real using glasses appeared in 1901 in the short story the Master Key L. Frank Baum, better known as the creator of “the Wizard of Oz”

” I give you Marker character, which takes the form of glasses. You have two glass eyes, and then on the forehead of every person you meet, you will see the letter determines its character. (…) This way you can glance to determine the true nature of people encountered. “

The first working device that supports augmented reality constructed in 1981. Steve Mann . It had the form worn in a backpack computer connected to the camera that carried the picture on the “screen” of his helmet.

With the development of technology, the device forming the AR to our needs have become smaller and more convenient use – may serve as an example Google Glass or smartphones.

Pioneering game augmented reality

One of the first of gaming products & amp; hairsp; – & amp ; hairsp; and the first mobile augmented reality game – is “ARQuake,” or rather unusual transformation of the famous FPS-a . “ARQuake” moved the game to the real world, using GPS, gyroscopes and a specially developed controller in the form of a gun.

Each player had to carry in a backpack laptop supports gaming and wear a special helmet with visor display hellish creatures. Equipment cost – a trifle – $ 10 000 Art. In the end, it was the year 2000. The launch of the first iPhone lacked 7 years …


1 May 2000, US President Bill Clinton, released all users of GPS signal undisturbed, previously reserved only for the military.

already 3 May 2000 Dave Ulmer proposed to begin a game , referring to a treasure hunt based on the instructions found in the letters. He is the first to put the “treasure”, and then made them publicly available GPS data about its location.

Geocaching quickly became quite popular fun involving the search of “treasures” (containers called geocaches) using a GPS receiver and a record of success at a special website. “Treasures” hide other participants play, giving the geographical coordinates in one of the special online databases geocachingowych.

Get paintball

Today, geocaching enthusiasts use their smartphones. Cells fairly quickly began to equip GPS-y , which was not lost on game developers.

They hit them on the idea of ​​combining location and SMS. As a result, the real world mingled with the imaginary thanks to send text messages with the appropriate commands.

first major commercial project was ” BotFighters “in 2001. The creators of the game from the beginning sought to create a mobile MMORPG, where the action take place in the urban environment – “here and now” . In the first version of the game interactions between characters were played by SMS.


Players took on the job, arming them and fighting with each other, often paying high bills (mention of the order amounts $ 4,000).

No death occurred avatars of players, but only to discharge their batteries. The victory meant getting the money, for which you could buy better armor and weapons. Importantly, the players all the time took part in a game – there was no safe places or mechanism to log out .

“BotFighters” took off in Sweden, and then It spreads in Russia, Finland, Ireland and China. The game was quite popular in the years 2001-2005.

similar mechanics used the Polish “Xyber Mech” functioned from 2004 to 2008 year. signed up nearly 150 000 people , of which several thousand were playing regularly.

In the beginning it was a simple fun Location as “BotFighters” based “shooting SMS” mechs to people in the vicinity. With time, however, the game world has grown by web form.

Japanese experiment

Functioning since 2002, “Mogi” was first localization erpegiem promoting cooperation . The game used the map of Tokyo, where there were various items. Players could be rediscovering and exchange of located near the participants of fun.

plans developers have also beings with diverse habits – to meet with them, players had to appear eg. in the vicinity of a particular park in the evening . The game was also connect computer users who use the phone – you first have access to a larger, more accurate maps, which encouraged cooperation.

Unfortunately, not all plans failed to realize, though “Mogi” undoubtedly as shown in an unusual way, you can connect to the online world with the offline .

equally interesting was operating since 2003. “Samurai Romanesque”, which at the same time could plunge half a million players . They moved to the fifteenth-century Japan, and participated in the battles in real time.

They visited a historical settlements, practiced the art of Zen, and even be able to have children. Elements of the game are displayed on cells in 8-bit color. Players trained his samurai offline and online battles waged throughout the province (at the same time could take part in them 50 players).

the reality of the real with the virtual here connected even through real weather data integrated with the game environment , with the result that, for example when it rained, the roads of old Japan became muddy and the hero was moving slowly.

This pictorial stalking and not only

the first commercial mobile game that uses augmented reality and webcam phone was “mozzies” (sometimes called ” Mosquito Hunt “) in 2003. Aiming for the title of mosquitoes required to move a hand-held device. The game appeared first on your Siemens SX1.

Another interesting project was “REXplorer” in 2007, which mobile game geolocation designed for tourists visitors Regensburg. During the game, players wandered around the city, encountering another spirits, telling interesting facts about the history of the city and instructing another task.

The participants interacted with different places, get jobs, cast spells, they perform missions and unusual way to know the events of the past. A key element of the game was a detector paranormal activity , or combination of cells with GPS. Let it find another spirit, which, after appropriate zaczarowaniu disclose further information.

The more missions players have passed, the more you can cast spells, move up levels. The game automatically created weblog, where there were also images taken by the participants. The game was scheduled for about an hour, so much in fact withstand battery “wand” that is rented to tourists device.

Locating and hunting

From the perspective of popularity of “Pokemon GO” interesting title turns out to be “Invizimals” from 2009, designed for portable konsolce PlayStation Portable, and that connects to the camera. The game was to hunt for the virtual creatures in the real world and attaching them to the collection.

The capture creature require pledging him the physical trap having the form of a special cardboard marker.

the immediate ancestor of Pokémon AR “Ingress”, which started in 2013. The game move the virtual map according to data obtained by GPS, and the game itself is played on a real world map with marked on it objects from the real world (monuments, buildings, points of landscape).

the game involves interaction with inscribed on the map portals, namely fixed virtual points on the map.

“Ingress” was in the studio Niantic – the same that made “Pokemon Go”.


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