Sunday, July 17, 2016

Microsoft withdraws its promise – there will be one billion devices with Windows 10 – Virtual Poland

  In April 2015, Microsoft through Terry Myerson said that Windows 10 for two to three years will be installed on a billion devices. A year has passed and … Microsoft states that this did not happen.

 Windows 10 had a very successful premiere and now under his control works 350 million devices. But now the company realized that it did not achieve its goal. Next date are striving for the system over a billion devices, but authorities acknowledge that it will take more time than expected. Where an error in the estimates?

 Microsoft explains that the cause of this error was overly optimistic assumptions about the presence of Windows 10 on mobile phones . This system, at least for now, selling them in relatively small amounts, well below expectations. What’s more, the market is doing even worse than its predecessor, Windows Phone.

  Read also: Windows 10: Microsoft in recent days

are encouraged to upgrade to the full screen

 Recently, some users of older versions of Windows, had the “pleasure” to see a new form of encouragement to a free upgrade to Windows 10. For full screen. After July 29 (the last day of a free upgrade systems prior to Windows 10), the rate of taking over the market for a new system will fall – and it significantly. So not only users with older versions of the system running out of time. The other way – ends up on yourself or Microsoft.

  Read also: First compensation for the automatic update to Windows 10!



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