Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Here are “coded information” that NASA discovered on Mars. Enough knowledge of the alphabet Morse – News Gazeta.pl

The view is truly remarkable – a series of dots and lines do not look like the work of the case. They seem to actually compose a message in Morse coded alphabet.

In reality, however, they are sand dunes, although actually very unusual. As NASA says they originated in the basin of a very old crater. The enclosed, recessed area made the winds there behave atypically. When the blow from the opposite sides, forming a long and narrow dunes. Sometimes, however, that this process is for some reason interrupted, and then instead of “lines” we “dot” – dune short and rounded.

And if so tempted, after all, about to read news usypanej by the wind? She did Veronica Bray, a scientist at the

University of Arizona, which deals with the HiRISE camera that photographed the unusual formations. The decoded message from Mars reads as follows: “NEE NED ZB 6TNN DEIBEDH SIEFI EBEEE SSIEI ESEE EEE”.

So still looking for transmission from an alien civilization.


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