Monday, July 11, 2016

Pokemon craze – the value of Nintendo’s record since 1983 –


 Pokemon GO - Get up  and move!

Pokemon GO – Get up and move! [1:55]

having a place in the last week, Prime Minister of the mobile game Pokemon Go proved to be devastating success. Although the title of the debut so far officially only in the United States, Australia and New Zealand, not only climbed the list of most downloaded applications on the Apple store and Google Store, but the day has gained tens of millions of users, becoming a new social phenomenon, encouraging people to go outside and get to know other players. the production is another planned by Nintendo of mobile applications, which are the result of changes in business strategy and an attempt existence in so far nieeksplorowanym its segment of the industry. A new philosophy of the Japanese giant was largely the result of pressure from investors who read about the successes Pokemon Go probably rubbing their hands and pat now happily back. In the same way, moreover, also he reacted the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Within a few days the market value of Nintendo rose by more than $ 7.5 billion, and its share price has reached a level not recorded since 1983, when it hit stores Famicon console.


 A few days Nintendo shares have  gained dramatically in value, reaching a record  level - Pokemon GO - a few days after the launch  of Nintendo's market value increased by $    7.5  billion - news - 2016-07-11

A few days Nintendo shares have gained dramatically in value, reaching the record level of

the question remains, however, whether the success of the game will not be

short-lived fad, but about the game most of the players will forget in a month, as is often the case in mobile hits. It is also important to note that Nintendo is not directly responsible for production applications. It was established in the American studio Niantic, known best by playing Ingress. What’s more, Nintendo receives only one-third of the proceeds from microtransactions concluded in the title, the rest goes to an independent company Pokemon Company and the developer. According to a report on CNBC, Pokemon GO brought on release 3.9 to $ 4.9 million. Analysts said that production of the pocket stworkami have a significant impact on revenues Nintendo, it must record monthly revenues in the amount of 140-196 million dollars. Without the continuous development of applications and offer new attractions for the old players will be rather impossible. The key is also the Pokemon GO will be adopted in Japan, which is the most important market for Nintendo. Probably until the end of the year, when the game debuts in all target regions, we’ll see eventually how big a success and whether hurraoptymistyczne exchange reactions were justified.


 Title operates in the model free-to-play and has  to keep up with microtransactions - Pokemon GO - a  few days after the launch of Nintendo's market  value increased by $    7.5 billion - news -  2016-07-11

the title works in a model of free-to-play and has to keep up with microtransactions

  1. the premiere of Pokemon GO – why the game is not in Poland, and how to install



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