Pokemon GO – Get up and move! [1:55]
having a place in the last week, Prime Minister of the mobile game Pokemon Go proved to be devastating success. Although the title of the debut so far officially only in the United States, Australia and New Zealand, not only climbed the list of most downloaded applications on the Apple store and Google Store, but the day has gained tens of millions of users, becoming a new social phenomenon, encouraging people to go outside and get to know other players. the production is another planned by Nintendo of mobile applications, which are the result of changes in business strategy and an attempt existence in so far nieeksplorowanym its segment of the industry. A new philosophy of the Japanese giant was largely the result of pressure from investors who read about the successes Pokemon Go probably rubbing their hands and pat now happily back. In the same way, moreover, also he reacted the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Within a few days the market value of Nintendo rose by more than $ 7.5 billion, and its share price has reached a level not recorded since 1983, when it hit stores Famicon console.

A few days Nintendo shares have gained dramatically in value, reaching the record level of
the question remains, however, whether the success of the game will not be

the title works in a model of free-to-play and has to keep up with microtransactions
- the premiere of Pokemon GO – why the game is not in Poland, and how to install

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