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artistic vision system of the triple (NASA / JPL's planetquest / Caltech)
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HD 131399Ab, because it has been cataloged, is quite special - circulates very far around one of the stars of the system. Typically, these orbits are unstable due to interaction of the other two stars. The newly discovered planet, but until now it was considered unlikely that somehow in this system persists.
The system of three stars located 320 light-years from Earth in the constellation Centaurus. The planet and is very young, has about 16 million years old, making it one of the youngest known planet. Its surface temperature (580 degrees) and weight (four Jupiter masses), making it also one of the coolest and least massive discovered so far extrasolar planets.
It is also one of the few planets outside our system, which is directly observed - the existence of the vast majority of astronomers contend with movement disorders parent star or subtle decrease in brightness when a planet passes through the shield.
- for nearly half the orbital period around the star, which lasts 550 Earth years, you can see there three stars . Two weaker are always close together and roam the local sky, and is moving away, and it's closer to the sun - explains explorer HD 131399Ab and lead author of a paper in "Science" Kelvin Wagner.
The planet was discovered by the instrument SPHERE VLT, member of the European Southern Observatory in Chile. This is the most sophisticated tool to search for planets around distant stars. Is sensitive to infrared radiation, ie. Heat emitted by the planet. Of course, to discover them, you have to cover the glow stars and take into account many other factors that can interfere with observation.
To determine the exact orbit of the planet will need further observation, but so far suggest that the system looks roughly like this: almost twice more massive than the sun, the brightest star (HD 131399), a distance of about 300 astronomical units (one is equal to the distance from Earth to the Sun) orbit two smaller stars (B and C). These in turn revolve around each other, maintaining a mutual distance of approx. 10 astronomical units (ie. More or less the distance from the Earth to Saturn). The newly discovered planet orbits the star at a distance of about 80 astronomical units, roughly twice farther than Pluto around the sun.
Astronomers do not yet know exactly how it looks orbit of the planet and is stable. They demonstrate this further observations.
- If the planet circled farther from its star, would be expelled from the system - explains Daniel ApaI, one of the authors of the paper. - Our computer simulations indicate that the type of orbit of the planet may be stable, but it is very susceptible to the disorder.
Although for us, living on a planet around a single star, such systems are quite exotic, in the universe is less the same number multiple systems as single stars. Are of particular interest astronomers because they can reveal the mechanism of formation of planets in such extreme conditions.
- It is not clear how the planet was on such a distant orbit, but it indicates that the types of planetary systems may be more, than previously assumed - Kelvin says Wagner. - The planets in systems of multiple stars studied so far much less than around stars the individual, although in complex systems with many stars are probably equally common.
Simulation dance three stars and newly discovered planet you can see in the video below.
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"Discovered what a planet that revolves around three suns" - not three, but one in a triple, as it is written, moreover, paragraph below."temperature of its surface (580 degrees) and weight (four Jupiter masses) make it also one of the coolest and least massive discovered so far extrasolar planets. " - This is not true, smaller and cooler extrasolar planets discovered so much. The article mentions that this is the smallest and coldest planet, which could be observed (right).
But she does not revolve around three suns only one in the triple system. Eee also something to me. I thought that it is possible stable orbit of the planet around a common center of gravity of the triple ... That would be something ..
How do we know little about the universe ... But judging by the pace of science (subtly recall that in the middle of the Middle Ages reading books rather than being a priest or a religious church condemned to death) is what we did in 300 years bodes well for the next 300 years ...

Indeed a strange planet as this patient to a doctor with three breasts. The doctor promised that he would not laugh but made a name.