Thursday, July 14, 2016

Pokemon GO – all you need to know about mobile blockbuster Nintendo –

Pokemon GO is a fairly simple game mobile reminiscent of the assumptions mentioned earlier Ingres. The application uses the GPS module in our smartphone and uses the maps of our surroundings, to apply her some key locations for the game and the title Pokémon whose collecting is a major goal of the game.

Pokemon GO – genesis

the idea of ​​Pokemon Go sprouted from … fools-day joke organized by Google. Equipped with the Google Maps application had to be called Pokemon Challenge and promised to catch “pocket monsters in the real world.” As it happened, that then working for Google Maps Tatsuo Nomura hired later in charge of Ingres Niantic Labs. The company failed to cooperate with Nintendo, and in 2015 the title was officially announced. By the way the creators have announced that players are preparing for a special gadget called Pokemon GO Plus. In March of 2016 years began beta testing of production. On the debut but he had to wait until the sixth June 2016..

Pokemon GO – when Poland?

for now, the title is only available in the US, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. In Europe, the title is available only in Germany, but soon is expected to officially also Polish. From the beginning it was known that the European premiere will take place a little later, but it seems that the developers still need to accelerate the process due to the growing interest in the production.

Pokemon GO – how and where to download?

where the game was already officially released, just download and install it from the official stores ie. Google Play or the App Store. The title has yet to be released in Europe, but the players have managed to solve this problem by using a few simple tricks. If interested, please refer to our guide. We are warned, however, that you need to be in this case very careful, because some of the unofficial installation files may entail certain risks.

Interestingly, the title managed to fire up the PC, using the Android emulator and several applications majstrujących the GPS. It must be remembered that the developers threaten bans, all those who will cheat in terms of its location.

Pokemon GO – how to play?

what exactly is the Pokemon GO. As in the case of having been the original 20 years, our main task is to collect the title creatures. The application uses the GPS on our phone and create an alternative map of the area, indicating both special locations that can be visited, as well as wild pokemon that we can catch. This requires us to walk but, since catching the creature requires us to reach occupied by its location. After reaching the place we head to the indicated place of the camera lens of our smartphone, and its screen appears thrown in the environment using augmented reality technology “pocket monster”.

In addition, the title enables us to join one of three factions fighting for domination of the special objects on map called. PokeGym. We gain an advantage, With Pokémon stronger than the one that currently “protects” the facility. For now available only original 151 creatures, but you can expect that the developers will increase it for the rest of the Pokémon that appeared with the next generation of the original video game designed for the Nintendo handheld. Currently, there are over 700.

An additional attraction is prepared by the creators of the gadget, known as Pokemon GO Plus. Inconspicuous wristband with a special Kips resembling somewhat used to catch critters Pokeball allows you to play without looking at the screen of your smartphone. The device vibrates because when we get close to the wild Pokemon. Suggested retail price of this toy is about 150 zlotys, but the fact that the hardware sold out on the trunk in just a few days after the launch of the game, makes for some auctions it reaches a value of $ 400 already.

Title is not difficult, but we have prepared for you a set of practical tips that will definitely help in the beginning of the game. You will learn, among other things, how well catch Pokemon and how to get at the beginning of the cult game Pokemon Pikachu.

Pokemon GO – phenomenon

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Shortly after premiere, it turned out that the world once again, as in 2000, crazy about “pocket monsters”. Production of both for the children and for today’s 25-30 year olds, who associate the brand shining heights of popularity when they were still children. Internet memes and stories about Pokémon began to grow like mushrooms after the rain, which gathered in one of our materials. The title game is searched for on the network more frequently than the word “pornography”, and the game has earned more than $ 14 million and caused the share price of Nintendo are the highest for 33 years.

Pokemonowy germ is spreading, and its popularity they decided to use the owners of smaller businesses who eagerly promote their premises, inventing another homegrown promotions for Pokémon trainers, or buying a special item to its location that makes her prowling the area more creatures. Internet impressed also some ingenious seven-year history that the latest Pokemon decided to base its first small business. Pokemon also became again a notable theme for the film industry and Hollywood goes back to the idea of ​​making a film actor with a “pocket monsters” in the lead role.

Pokemon GO – controversy

Although the title was released just a week ago, had time to accrue around him a lot of controversy. The network began to circulate another story about the people who died or did get hurt during the game and even though they were only joking surfers still worth remembering the case of one Irishman who actually killed by his inattention during a game Ingres. There’s also a lot of strange history associated with the game, like the one about a teenage girl who during the exploration of the Pokémon found a dead body, or by two Marines who, during the game “hunt” pedophile.

One of the more controversial history, however, was the flu for criminals, who used the game as a tool to hunt for unwary users, who were later ransomed. Also it created a lot of confusion around the location of some units indicated by the game. In the United States one of the key players points turned out to be a church, other players are fighting for PokeGym placed in the White House and the Washington Holocaust Museum complain about the players who come there to look for creatures and demands from the creators of deleting your location from the game.

Pokemon GO – permissions

a lot of controversy also raises how big the game requires permission from our phone, especially if you use those equipped with iOS. The owners of iPhone that have to be reconciled with the fact that the game demands full access to their Google account. Slightly better is the case of Android, though, and so you have to reckon with the fact that the mobile Pokemon gather a lot of data about us.

Pokemon GO – requirements

the game does not require our smartphone miracles. Version for Android phones must have version 4.4 and 58MB of free space on the memory card. This on iOS needs to turn the system version 8.0 and 110 MB of space on the memory card. Regardless of what we play is worth bearing in mind that the title uses the GPS module (we can save battery life, if we take a map of our area), internet and camera. Besides, before a trip in the area should purchase a POWERBANK, because the game very quickly “eats” the resources of our batteries.

Pokemon GO – rare Pokemon

it’s hard to determine which Pokemon sea referred to as rare as it depends mainly from our location. For now, we know only that no one could catch legendary: Mew, Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltresa. It is not known how developers solve this matter because these creatures should initially be only one piece in the world. It is possible that in general we do not have the opportunity to catch them. As for other creatures easier to identify these common as Pidgeye, Rattaty, oddish or Magikarpie. The experience of the players, however, shows that the incidence of creatures very different in some regions of the world.


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