The planet was discovered using a telescope located atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii. – Almost all of icy objects are small and dark, so really exciting is the discovery of a large and bright object, which we can examine – said Dr. Michele Bannister from the University of Victoria in British Columbia. He adds icy objects that orbit the Sun beyond the orbit of Neptune, can help us learn how gas giants formed. These objects allow you to also reconstruct the history of our solar system.
dwarf planets usually destroyed or ejected from the solar system . The newly discovered planet was first observed in 2015, and this means that it is one of the few that survived. Others are Pluto and Eris – the most famous objects of this type. So far only five objects were classified as dwarf planets. In addition to the above mentioned belong to them yet Ceres, Haumea and Makemake
The new planet is about 700 km in diameter, slightly more than five percent of the diameter of Earth, and its orbit is considered one of the biggest for dwarf planets.
Ceres – the closest planet to the Sun dwarf
In the past year, thanks made by NASA sequence of rotation of the planet closest to the sun could admire the dwarf planet named Ceres .
Ceres is located between Jupiter and Mars, and is the largest object in the asteroid belt. A diameter of 950 km, and its size is eight times smaller than the size of the Earth. It is the only dwarf planet in the inner solar system belt. Because of its weight over the years he was once qualified as a planet, sometimes as an asteroid.

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