Saturday, July 16, 2016

Pokemon Go, a tutorial for beginners masters –

InformacjeFelieton 3

the madness spread around the whole world, why not join? Suffice comfortable shoes, the desire to go out and reading time to learn the basics.


 What is Pokemon Go?


 This latest game of catching creatures based on the classic anime, which you can associate with childhood (assuming you are already of legal age;)). Pokemon Go is based on the maps of the Earth taken from Google Maps which “imposed” appropriate locations and random “spawn” Pokémon. The game world is so all our globe, where there is no shortage of places where there are extremely rare Pokemon and pokemonowych deserts. There are also places extremely important, which is full of Pokestopów or Gymów (more on that later). Playing Pokemon Go is forcing us to go out, while if we move above a certain rate (spoken with a maximum speed of 10km / h), is a trip we will not be counted for hatching eggs ( this is also later), nor did we get for it relevant expertise hikes.

 Our task is obviously to catch as many creatures, their training, their evolution, capturing the next level (both Pokémon and our coach). With time, we can join one of three teams (Mystic – heaven, Instinct – yellow, or Valor – red). The creators promise that will soon appear also the possibility of exchanging Pokémon, as well as the world ranking, which will ultimately decide who is the undisputed champion of Pokemon.


 What are you playing? To download a game? Are my phone go?


  Pokemon Go is currently available for iOS devices (iPhone 5+, 8+ iOS) and Android (versions 4.4 to 6.0.1). Regarding the latter, it is worth mentioning that the application does not support devices to a processor Intel . We will need well functioning GPS transmitter, as well as continuous connection to the network. Pokemon Go at the moment downloads new data, and yet we have to go beyond the reach of our home Wi-Fi. Fortunately, there are great packages – for a few days rather intensive gaming (at least several hours enabled apką) 63.15 MB downloaded via the Pokemon Go and 7.99 MB by Google Maps . This second value I give, but I do not know whether it results from the fun of catching Poksów, or maybe used the navigation in the last month (because of such period, the phone counts me download). Instead, we must mention that the application very much “eats” the battery. If you want to go on a long hike, it is good to recharge the device at 100%, or bring POWERBANK.

 The game soon you will be able to download the stores AppStore and Google Play . So far Androidowcy of our country can reach the .apk file and install the Pokemon GO manually. Holders “jabłuszek” are a little more difficult task, because they have to sign in to an Apple ID with the specified billing data for any of the countries in which the application is no longer available.

 It is worth noting that players cheating by using applications such as “fake-GPS”, simulating the presence and movement in any given place are already banned, although sometimes might appear difficult detectable bots. If, however, now virtually were planning a trip to the desert to catch Geodude’a or Sandshrewa, it’s definitely better to wait for a family trip to Egypt and honestly circle the pyramids in their quest.


 The creation of the coach, the first Pokemon


 When the game starts waiting for us a short talk with the professor Willow. We propose to start on one of the classic Pokémon: Charmander, or Squirtle Bulbazaura. It is possible to unlock the start Pikachu, you just ignore the appearance of that trio on the map a few times and depart from them at such a distance that disappeared from the screen. Then you come across an electric mouse.


 Catching new creatures


 Quickly you realize that, unlike in the classic Pokémon do not have to fight anyone encountered the creature to catch it. Hitting on wild animal remains for us to aim the camera at him, and then drag your finger from the

bottom to the top of the screen, whereas the distance and deviation, throwing thus Pokeball. Playing notice that around the Pokemon are present in two circles – one always present, and a second shrink in looping. To increase your chances that the creature can not escape the spherical prison should throw in a moment in which both circles are as close as possible to each other (if you throw exceptionally succeeds, the message “Nice!”). Of particular importance at a time when we begin to catch a little less frequent and stronger Pokémon.


 Gaining levels, improving Pokémon progression


 Making the most of the activities in the Pokemon Go will bring us benefits. They take all sorts of forms, first of all experience points (the higher the level of our coach, including get stronger creatures). Catching Pokemon also increases the supply of our “Stardustu” – a kind of material that we use improving and evolving our Pokemon. It pays to also catch the creatures that we already have in your collection, primarily due to the opportunity to gain “Candy” (these individual creature, so they are “Pidgey Candy”, “Ghatsly Candy”, etc.), which also will need the opportunity to evolve and improve our Poksów. With time, we will be getting stronger, just like our Pokemon. It is worth mentioning that the creatures are described factor “CP”, which just goes to show how much “power” is the creature. Of course, monsters are assigned to the elements, indeed families, which are mutually counter the on the principle of extended playing rock-paper-scissors (Water Pokemon better fights against hot thunderbolts, to plant against fire, etc.). Of course, there are no miracles and extremely powerful creature easily gets around us, even if it is from the family theoretically weaker.


 Pokestopy, gyms, items


 In the previous paragraph, I started talking about the fighting, which of course in the Pokemon Go are present, although in relation to games issued on portable consoles Nintendo are of course greatly simplified. First of all, we are in a skirmish only against other players, but against their Pokemonom, which are stationed in the occupied “Gymach” – places dedicated clashes scattered across the map. If you beat Pokemon left by trainers in the camp, wdat is assuming that this place was occupied by the enemy team, we can bounce. Then we have the possibility to leave there your Pokemon, which will keep the spots. And the “local” should be maintained, because of the sometimes generates “coiny” (virtual currency Pokemon Go ), which directly affect our pocket, and which would otherwise have to buy for real money.

 Mechanics walk is quite simple. Tumble screen to attack, hold a special attack (which will be used only after the battery power bar) and drag the side to dodge. Of course, this is the issue of statistics, health points, the type of Pokémon, the specific special attacks, etc. Oh, and forget rounds – fighting Pokemon Go roll in real time.

 Add to the list of attractions you must visit Pokestopów – are places where at any time we can collect some necessary equipment – new Pokeballi (we have a limited amount), healing potions, decoy Pokemon, “eggów” and many others.

 Its worth spending a few sentences to explain what’s going on with said above eggs. Now, with a state of the said egg, we can put them to pop the incubator. Each egg is marked kilometers. Yes, yes – you guessed it. The designation means eggs as long walk we have to do to shell burst. Eggs come in three types: 2 km, 5 km and 10 km. Remember that the application detects when we move pace of more than 10 km / h.

 You already know the basics. If you have any questions, Put to them in the comments, I’ll try to keep responding. If there is doubt or simply already niecierpliwicie, then go forth to catch them all!




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