Saturday, July 9, 2016

Baking soda therapy improves metabolism and functioning of the body –

As pointed out in an interview with PAP diagnostician City Women Radoslaw Zakrzewski, acidification is one of the most serious problems of modern society, the importance of which few people are aware.

– When the body is acidified ; in the pollutants , parasites , mushrooms – nothing can work well. Problems are already at the level of cells, tissues and organs after that if they are not able to work in an optimum environment and begin to have problems when use is made most often to pharmaceuticals. However, if you care about that body to systematically cleanse – improves metabolism and the entire functioning of the body – told PAP Zakrzewski.

The detoxification should take care first of all people living under stress, residents of large cities and agglomerations, smoking, alcohol niestroniące. Detoxification is advisable also to persons who have undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

As the diagnosticians from the City of Women, detoxification can be carried out, among others, method of “home”. One of them is eg. The purification using the properties of baking soda.

Baking soda , or sodium bicarbonate , taken in the form of a lotion, solution operates primarily in to normalize the pH in the body. The therapy should be applied regularly, however, and no longer than a period of three weeks. You have to remember also that in the case of a large body acidity should be adopted simultaneously soda and sugar, or a blend in the form of glucose. therapy baking soda obliges also for moderation in diet, which should include, inter alia fat products.

The impact on the process of detoxification of the body also has the quality of water consumed. It is important that was wysokozasadowa, which include free ions harmful chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus and hydrogen, and to contain sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. One of the methods is, for example. use the so-called. Living Water , which rewitailzatora assist cleansing the body.

– “ Living Water” contains the appropriate pH, oxygen, antioxidants , electrolytes and the appropriate structure. These five basic parameters of water causes the entire physiology begins to clear. the body is constantly washed out, filtered, purified, and when it is clean – it works everything else – diet, rehabilitation, tablet. it works because nothing to him mind. When used, for example. drugs without treatment, it is as if he did not create the foundation, and start to build the roof – said Zakrzewski.

In the process of detoxification is very important as physical activity (toxins are excreted in the sweat). Among the products that have a positive effect on cleansing

the body, is also honey , cabbage , artichokes and beets .

Experts stress that detoxify the body, to improve the efficiency of the process, should promote appropriate supplementation. As indicated, however, should be, however, supplementation , which directly affects the digestibility and absorption of active ingredients.

One example of such supplements is, for example. technology negative ionization , thanks to the absorption of essential nutrients detoxification increases to min. 93. percent. Formula Alfa Aktiv developed by scientists working with the City of Women, based on strengthening the activation of natural ingredients contained, among others, in fruits for their rapid assimilation in the body.

The substances contained in the supplement is primarily chokeberry, black currant, honey, but also succinic acid and minerals. As emphasized scientists are substances that work at the cellular level, lead to a real improvement in the functioning of the body.

Aronia anthocyanin which is the only plant more resistant to pests, but also the action of toxins. Its fruits are composed of 60 percent. with an extremely valuable polyphenols, including mainly flavonoids and phenolic acids. Additionally, aronia provides the body with essential folic acid, ascorbic acid and vitamin B2. It also acts as antioxidant, thanks to the content of caffeic acid – ticked diagnosticians City of Women.

As they said, similar characteristics also shows blackcurrant, which include a valuable source of polyphenols and further includes organic acids, pectin, tannins, vitamin C, B vitamins, provitamin A. Honey, however, contains up to 78 live enzymes that are acting as biocatalysts, accelerate biochemical reactions in cells.

succinic acid , which is also a component Alfa Aktiv produced exclusively in damaged and loaded with harmful substances. There is, for example. Resin gathering on the bark of a sick tree. Therefore, each 20 ml of Alpha Aktiv for as much as 10 mg of this valuable acid, whose assimilation (through the use of technology, the negative ionization) is not 15 and 90 percent. .

The activities of succinic acid causes while m .in. dissolving kidney stones , inhibiting the growth of tumors. It also affects strengthening the immune system and toxin neutralization.


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